SGS Sleep Blog
Stay informed on the latest regarding all things sleep

SGS Joins The Patient First Podcast to Advocate for Dental Sleep Medicine in Treating Sleep Apnea
Patient First Podcast – Dental Sleep Medicine In an episode of The Patient First Podcast, Sleep Group Solutions President, John Nadeau sat down with Dr. Bryan Laskin to discuss an

The Road to Streamlined Medical Billing in Dental Sleep Medicine
Medical billing in dental sleep medicine (DSM) has long been a complex and challenging process. DSM professionals, often find themselves struggling to navigate the intricacies of medical insurance billing. However,

Empowering Dentists: Making Oral Appliances for CPAP Noncompliance
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines have revolutionized the treatment of sleep apnea, significantly improving patients’ lives. However, CPAP therapy isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, and some patients struggle with compliance.

Unlock the Potential of Your Dental Practice with Sleep Medicine
Dental Sleep Medicine is a rapidly growing field, with a significant impact on the lives of patients who suffer from sleep-disordered breathing. As a dentist, you may already be aware

Technology: Dental Sleep’s Gatekeeper to Boost Case Acceptance & Increase Efficiency
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5 Ways to Find Out Which Dental CE Seminar is Right For You
When choosing which CEs to devote your limited time throughout the year, it’s important to be selective. You don’t want you or your staff to waste hours or even days

If Your Continuing Education Seminar for Dentists Doesn’t Have This, Don’t Go
No industry is without its weak points and shady practitioners. This includes those that provide continuing education seminars for dentists. Many seminars simply want to sell you on a quick

You Snooze, You Lose: Three Ways You’re Selling Your Dental Practice Short
As a dentist, you have to play the part of both the business owner and medical professional. Naturally, that means you’re constantly looking for ways to improve and optimize

Five Ways to Help Your Patients Stop Snoring
Snoring is more than just a nuisance that people are moderately inconvenienced by. It’s disruptive to sleep for both the sufferer and any potential partner they may have and

Understanding How OSA Affects the Sexes
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common, but tragically overlooked ailment that is characterized by various blockages in the airway, particularly when asleep. Of course, this causes breathing issues

Learn to Treat Snoring With a Dental Sleep Medicine Seminar
Snoring is a difficult enough malady to live with on its own. It’s disruptive to your own sleep and that of your partner, and it can leave you exhausted

Sleep Apnea and Diabetes
It’s estimated that over 100 million Americans have diabetes in some form (2) while 22 million suffer from sleep apnea, and 80% of cases with severe and moderate OSA undiagnosed.