Dental Sleep Medicine Training

They are also choosing dental sleep medicine training in order to supplement their income stream during these challenging economic times. Instead of waiting for a primary care physician to refer a patient to you for the fitting of an oral appliance to treat snoring, you can screen and treat these disorders within your own practice with the completion of dental sleep medicine training at one of Sleep Group Solutions seminars. Once you have completed the dental sleep medicine training courses your practice will be equipped to take your patients through the process from screening to treatment including the home sleep study and the fitting of an oral appliance that works best for your patient.

The oral appliances are very effective in the treatment of mild cases of obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia and snoring. An oral appliance is basically a small device that is worn during sleep and is similar to an orthodontic retainer which effectively aids in keeping the airway open during sleep and prevents the tongue and soft tissues of the throat from collapsing into the breathing passageway. The dental sleep medicine training courses will teach you all about the various sleep stages and disorders and why there is such a great need today for the treatment of this disease which can be life threatening if left untreated. You will learn about the equipment that can help diagnose and treat your patients along with other lifestyle changes that should be recommended to make the most successful treatment program. These lifestyle changes may include weight management, surgery, sleep positioning, stress management, use of a CPAP machine and even surgery.

Schedule a seminar for yourself so your patients can soon benefit from your completion of the dental sleep medicine training. If any of your patients are suffering from a mild case of obstructive sleep apnea or snoring, you will be able to fit them with an oral appliance. Some of your patients may already be using the CPAP machine but are CPAP intolerant, and you will be able to help them by finding the best oral appliance for their situation. CPAP intolerant patients are truly ideal candidates for the use of oral appliances. Sleep Group Solutions offers a two day seminar and webinars to inform, update and educate these practitioners on the proper techniques for screening and treating the most common form of sleep apnea which is obstructive sleep apnea, as well as snoring. During the 2 day seminar there will be many topics covered in detail by expert leaders in the dental community with dental as well as medical backgrounds. It is a great time to join the crusade and learn the processes and protocols necessary to offer these life saving treatments to your patients.


11/08/2024 - 11/09/2024


12/13/2024 - 12/14/2024

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