Hey 2017, Welcome!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! From all of us over at Sleep Group Solutions!
Here are a few tips to help you create the best dental practice in 2017!
1. Make sure your staff is trained and up to date on the latest services offered.
2. Get patient referrals. You can do this by giving your patients something to talk about. Such as offering a life changing service, like treating snoring and sleep apnea. These types of services make patients HAPPY. A happy patient is the best patient.
3. Expand your services to generate more revenue. There are plenty of new ways to generate new revenues in dentistry. Attend a new CEU lecture to get inspired.
4. Create an office culture. Once you find what sets your practice apart from the rest, dive in a little deeper, and you will find your culture.
5. Offer more financial plans or options. Patients are more likely to say YES, if they can come up with a reasonable way to pay for it.
6. Update any dinosaur equipment. Patients want a clean and up to date experience in any area of healthcare. Old school is cool, but not in the dental office. Try reaching out to your vendors, you would be surprised that most offer new units or equipment. You just have to ask!