Gergen’s Orthodontic Lab

Located in North Phoenix, Arizona, Gergen’s Orthodontic Lab is one of the largest and most highly respected full-service orthodontic laboratories in the United States.
They specialize in fabricating orthodontic appliances such as TMJ Splints, Flippers, and Retainers, as well as all types of functional appliances such as Herbsts, Bionators, and Twin Blocks.
Most successful businesses and their customers will readily agree that such long-term dedication invariably results in a highly trained and fully competent team that produces work of consistently exceptional quality. The Gergen’s staff does just that as we provide complete service in every phase of design and fabrication of our appliances for the orthodontist and general dentist.
Their customers from across the United States share a common characteristic: they genuinely care about their patients and want them to have the finest dental appliances available.
Gergen’s Orthodontic Lab is also known for its exceptional service. With daily delivery routes to Tucson, 11 drivers making regular deliveries in the Phoenix area, and U.S. Postal Service and UPS deliveries out-of-state, deliveries are always prompt.
Gergen’s Orthodontic Lab is considered one of the most creative labs in the country and is always looking for new ideas and products to make life easier for patients and doctors alike. Beyond the consistent excellence of our products, they are widely respected for our ability to help develop innovative appliances and techniques.
For more information visit: gergensortho.com