VP John Nadeau Invites You!
John Nadeau invites you to one of our upcoming two-day dental sleep medicine seminars! SGS has become the largest provider of dental sleep medicine training and education in the world.

Sleep Apnea in Children: Finally, There’s an Answer
A child’s snoring should NEVER be ignored. It’s as big of a red flag as you’re going to get for obstructive sleep apnea in children, who unfortunately present the condition

Dr. Earl Bogrow, DDS, FAGD, D-ABDSM – Testimonial
Dr. Earl Bogrow of Bogrow & Associates – Dental Center For Sleep Apnea & Snoring shares how he got started with Sleep Group Solutions and how vital Pharyngometry is to his practice.

OSA in Women: An Invisible Problem
Every dentist wants to be able to say that they did everything they could by the time a patient walks out of their appointment. Human error can’t be avoided forever,

2018 SGS Dental Continuing Education Booklet
Information-packed 2018 Dental Continuing Education Booklet is available now to view online, download, and print.

Ray Champ Invites you to West Palm Beach
Ray Champ invites you to our upcoming seminar in sunny West Palm Beach February 2nd!

Michael Campbell Invites You to Fayetteville
Michael Campbell invites you to our upcoming Fayetteville course, coming January 19th!

Rebecca Invites You to Des Moines!
Rebecca Invites You to our upcoming Des Moines course coming February 2nd!

Lori Schmidt and the Importance of Sleep Dentistry
Lori Schmidt discusses the importance of Sleep Dentistry and how Sleep Group Solutions can help!