New Study Out of NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City Links Sleep Apnea with Memory Loss

A new study out of NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City and published in The Journal of Neuroscience says for the first time scientists have discovered a connection between sleep apnea and a negative impact on your memory of everyday events.  Dental Sleep Medicine education, in-office training, and instrumentation company, Sleep Group Solutions offers dental continuing education courses on the treatment of sleep apnea, and the risks and connections associated with sleep apnea.  Upcoming lecture locations include Orlando, Irvine and Miami.

According to HealthDay, the study concluded that people with severe sleep apnea showed impaired spatial memory when sleep apnea disrupted rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.  “Spatial memory is essentially your memory of everyday things, like where you left your car keys, or where items are in a dark room.”  Says dental sleep medicine expert, Dr. George Jones.   “Sleep apnea can sometimes cause a disruption in REM sleep, which in turn can result in that spatial memory loss.”  Dr. George Jones lectures with Sleep Group Solutions, and will be lecturing at the upcoming Indianapolis lecture on November 21 and 22nd.

REM sleep is the deepest form of sleep and is believed to play a major role in memory consolidation. “Failing to achieve REM sleep at night can result in waking up feeling tired, even if you've slept for a long time.”  says Dr. Jones. The study notes that spatial memory is particularly affected by Alzheimer's disease, which is often why people with the disease are found wandering around.  Alzheimer’s has also been connected with sleep apnea sufferers.   

Sleep Group Solutions lectures cover the complete sleep protocol dentists need to follow to legally, ethically, and successfully treat patients for snoring and sleep apnea.  The two day, 16 CEU lecture covers shared co-morbidities between sleep apnea and other diseases.  Various studies and case studies are presented, with a dental solution of Oral Appliance Therapy, for mild to moderate sleep apnea sufferers.  For more information, log onto

About Dr. George Jones

Dr. George Jones is a native of Wheeling, WV and earned his BS in Chemistry from Wheeling Jesuit University. He received his Dental Degree from the University Of Florida College Of Dentistry, and relocated to coastal North Carolina in 2003. Over the years, Dr. Jones has served as a consultant and evaluator for several dental manufacturers and maintains a private practice in Sunset Beach, NC.

About Sleep Group Solution

Sleep Group Solutions is an airway diagnostic technology company serving the needs of physicians and dentists interested in screening, diagnosing and treating sleep apnea and other upper airway disorders.  Sleep Group Solutions offers the latest screening and diagnostic equipment solutions for patients with allergy, sinus congestion, rhinitis, deviated septum, nasal polyps, snoring and sleep apnea.  SGS offers the most comprehensive dental sleep medicine CE seminars in the industry focused on teaching dentists the protocols needed to make the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea part of their practice.  Sleep Group Solutions offers sleep study interpretation, oral appliances (Norad Boil & Bite, Respire), online directory and online marketing for CPAP Intolerant patients.  SGS is the manufacturer of the Eccovision Systems Rhinometer and Pharyngometer, and offers Home Sleep Testing devices from Watermark Medical.